What do I NEED?

From Tools to T-Shirts, luck favors the prepared. Take a minute to pack up your gear prior to the match in an organized manner. It is important to bring everything necessary for a successful day. Carefully read through the drop downs on the right for a comprehensive list of the things you will need.

  • Minimum Round Count

    3 Gun: 75 rifle, 100 pistol, 75-100 birdshot, 3: 9 Pellet Buckshot, 5 Slugs

    2 Gun/PRS: 100 rifle, 100 pistol, 150 PCC, 15 Rounds for PRS

  • AR Style or AK, whatever you enjoy, bring something unique! No penetrator, green tip or steel core ammunition allowed. From Iron sights to Variable powered optics, anything goes as long as its allowed in your class.

  • Any standard pistol will work, be sure to bring extra magazines and nice supportive holster. Don’t know which pistol or holster to buy? Ask us.

  • Tube or Magazine fed, just bring enough birdshot and slugs. Bring the appropriate build for your class. Be sure to bring 5 Slugs, 5 Buckshot & plenty of Birdshot.

  • Bolt or Semi Auto is allowed. Nothing over 3,200 FPS. If you are questioning your build, contact us prior to coming to the match. Your rifle should be zeroed & qualified.

  • 9mm or .45 ACP allowed.

  • Limited/ Tac Ops/ Carry Ops/ Open

    Know your division & its restrictions prior to attending the match so you can prepare accordingly. Check out the Rules page for additional details.

    Questions? Email us so we can help!

  • Don’t forget food, cold waters, snacks, and sunscreen. It is hot and this is an athletic competition. Come prepared accordingly.

  • It is important to utilize lightweight materials and sunblocking technology. Wearing proper clothing, especially in the summer matches, is crucial. You should also always have a rain jacket with you in case it rains.

  • You will need a way to safely transport your gear from stage to stage. Most common method is by beach /baby buggy outfitted for rifle and shotgun transportation. A double rifle case, backpack or via vehicle. Don’t forget your chamber flags and a strong supportive tactical belt. Not sure what belt to buy? Ask us.

  • Eye protection and ear protection is required at all times. Chamber flags must be in all long guns when not in use. Pistol is to be holstered unloaded. No magazines in ANY firearms unless you are commanded by the Range Safety Officer (RSO). See the Rules page for a full list of Rules and Regulations to ensure a safe and fun day.

  • Membership to Manatee Gun and Archery is not required to shoot the matches. Becoming a member does have big financial benefits if you are shooting the matches often, plus you get access to all the amenities the Range has to offer.

    Member Cost: $250 to Join for the year, $200 annually to renew

  • Be sure to clean and lubricate your tools after their use to keep them fully functioning.

  • We want to assist with your major match as much as possible. If you have a big match coming up and want to practice some of the more rigorous or complicated measures, reach out to us via email so we can adjust the next upcoming match to include difficult methods to ensure you are well-practiced at the challenges sure to face you at your major. FM wants you to win at your major and we will do what we can to enhance your strength. Fear nothing.