Canted Rifle
How many of us jumped on the struggle bus at this month's Florida Multigun Match on Area 51 with the canted rifle?
So, if we use the handy chart above we should hold to the direction of the ejection port. A lot of shooters use the ejection port as their reference. I tend to think more about which way the magazine is pointing and hold to that side but it’s only because we usually only have to turn rifles not the other guns in 3-Gun. I think using the magazine is more intuitive for me but feel free to use which ever way makes you more confident on the gun.
On Area 51 this weekend, the hold over and offset wasn’t that much as it wasn’t that far (distance) or small of targets, but it was enough to miss if you weren’t favoring the correct side of the target. Also, if you weren’t careful you could have been resting your barrel* on the barricade or not getting squared up in the scope for a center hold.
I’m sure we will do this again so print out of copy of this diagram and keep it in your 3-Gun rifle dope book or in your shooting bag.
*On ports or any other barricade we want to make sure that our barrel isn’t resting on any part of the barricade. We only want our hand guard touching the port. Sometimes barricades are tight and since we tend to hang a bunch of stuff off our rifles we should make sure when we set up rifles that you leave a little gap up front to at least be able to get the front of the rifle in to the port to lock it in. We can see in the barricade picture above that only the hand guard is touching the port. This is an issue we see a lot with newer shooters and it’s simple to fix to help you make those long distance rifle hits.